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Perry, one of several North Florida Natural Towns located on US Highway 19/98, is the county seat of Taylor County, Florida. Perry, population 7,000, is one of two natural North Florida towns named after Madison Starke Perry, governor of Florida from 1875 to 1861. Perry is undergoing a rejuvenation of its downtown area that is worth a stop if, for no other reason than to visit the city center and its restaurants. Downtown is located just a few blocks from US Highway 19 and US Highway 98.
However, downtown Perry has more to offer than just food. The city center is full of interesting shops and attractions, including Rosehead Park. Perry is home to a number of festivals and events that draw crowds from across the southeastern United States, including Big Bend Brewfest in early March, Florida State Bluegrass Festival in early April, Smokin’ in the Pines Barbecue Festival in late September and the Florida Forest Festival held in late October.
Lumber, as in other North Florida natural towns, was and still is a primary industry. Accordingly, Perry is home to the Florida State Forestry Museum, which traces the history of the state’s forestry industry.
Cyclists can enjoy at least a portion of the 54-mile Perry to Econfina State Park bike route or the shorter 43-mile Steinatchee to Perry bike route. Econfina River State Park offers many scenic lookouts and opportunities for wildlife viewing. The Steinatchee to Perry route follows the nearest paved road running parallel to the coast near Big Bend.
The town has several new hotels that make Perry a good place to spend a night or a few days while fishing or paddling on the nearby Gulf Coast, fishing or paddling the Steinatchee, Econfina and Aculla rivers or while enjoying the sunset over the Nearby gulf coastal communities of Steinatchee or Keaton Beach.
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