This massive national park, with more than 1.5 million acres, was created in 1947 with the aim of protecting a huge area with a fragile and endangered ecosystem.
It is the second largest national park in the country, behind only Yellowstone in California.
The Everglades National Park is in South Florida, less than 2 hours from Miami, so it’s a good sightseeing tip for those who are there.
Lake Okeechobee is within the park, which together with the river that crosses it, form the perfect environment for the existence of several rare species of animals.

The lake has a unique ecosystem and a set of fauna and flora like few others in the world.
Among the species in the park are panthers, deer, river seals, and different types of turtles.

Tourists usually travel through the park in small boats, crossing its extension through the waters.
The guided tours with the so-called “air boats” are a very different tour and a unique experience, and allow the visualization of these rare animals in their natural habitat, as well as the exploration of wonderful landscapes and lush nature.